Our refund admin page allows you to process your refunds with just one link. Refunds can only be done for Good or Short payments. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to process refunds on our refund admin page.
Sending/resending of refund email:
Step 1: Log into your Triple-A dashboard.
Log into your Triple-A merchant dashboard with your account's email and password via https://dashboard.triple-a.io/login.
Step 2: Click on "Refunds" on the left sidebar.

Step 6: Select "Send Email " to send/re-send your refund email. The email address of the refund recipient must be provided.
Step 7: The refund recipient gets an email informing them of their refund. There is a link in the email that they must click.
Step 8: By clicking on this link, the refund recipient is brought to a form where they can see how much cryptocurrency they will receive. For refunds from a local currency account, the exchange rate will be set once the recipient enters their receiving crypto address.
Step 9: The merchant should receive a notification email once the refund recipient has confirmed their crypto address.
Step 10: Once the transfer of cryptocurrency has been made, another notification email will be sent to the merchant.
Any questions? Please reach out to support@triple-a.io. We will be more than happy to assist.